LCL Sprain
Elbow > LCL Sprain
The Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) or also called the Radial Collateral Ligament (RCL) is located on the outside of the elbow. This ligament supports the elbow and provides stability at the joint. An LCL sprain occurs when this ligament is overstretched or torn. LCL injuries are much less common than UCL injuries.

Mechanism of Injury: An LCL Sprain most often occurs from a fall on an outstretched hand, resulting in a dislocated elbow.
Contributing Factors: Trauma/fall on an outstretched hand/elbow dislocation.
Signs/Symptoms: Pain along the outside of the elbow. Weakness. Loss of range of motion. Feeling of instability of the elbow.
At Home Tests: Tenderness to palpation over the lateral aspect of the elbow after a trauma. Visible deformity due to elbow dislocation after a trauma. Inability to move elbow normally. (See video)
At Home Treatment: Avoid irritating activities. Comfort care: ice, NSAIDs
When to Seek Help: The LCL is rarely damaged in the absence of major trauma, like an elbow dislocation. If you have had a major trauma, have a visible deformity, and cannot move your elbow, please head to the closest emergency department for medical assessment.
Treatment at Inspired Athletx: LCL injuries at the elbow are very rare, and often need surgical reconstruction due to the traumatic nature of this kind of injury. Physical therapy to address mobility and strength impairments in your shoulder, spine, hip, and core can begin even before surgery and continue during the immobilization period. Manual therapy following surgery reduces pain and inflammation, promotes healing, and improves range of motion. Strength and neuromuscular control exercises will address the entire arm, from shoulder blade to fingertips. Upper body dominant athletes (gymnasts, swimmers, pitchers, etc) require progressive return to sport specific activities to enhance movement efficiency and reduce strain on the elbow. Click here to schedule a physical therapy evaluation with us.
Disclaimer: The content contained in this section of the website is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to function as a substitute for a professional diagnosis or treatment from a licensed healthcare provider.
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