UCL Sprain

Elbow > UCL Sprain

The Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) is found on the inside part of the elbow and attaches the humerus (upper arm bone) to the ulna (lower arm bone). A UCL sprain is an overstretch or tear of the ligament.


Mechanism of Injury: A UCL sprain due to overuse most commonly occurs in baseball pitchers or other head overhead athletes. You can also sprain your UCL with an acute trauma, like a fall on an outstretched arm.

Contributing Factors: Poor throwing mechanics due to hip, core, back, or shoulder weakness or stiffness. Poor arm care.

Signs/Symptoms: Pain on the inside of the elbow. Pop/snap sensation at the inside of the elbow. Restricted elbow range of motion. Numbness or tingling in the hand. Swelling/discoloration on the inside of the elbow. Inability to perform activities of daily living.

At Home Tests: Tenderness to palpation over the UCL. Pain/instability with self-valgus test. (See video)

At Home Treatment: Avoid irritating activities.  Comfort care:  Ice, NSAIDs.


When to Seek Help: UCL tears can worsen if you continue to throw/pitch. If you are experiencing the above symptoms, contact your physical therapist immediately to avoid further damage. Some UCL sprains will require surgery (Tommy John’s) and your physical therapist can determine if you need further surgical assessment or imaging. 


Treatment at Inspired Athletx: Non-surgical and post-surgical management of a UCL Tear are fairly similar. We begin with manual therapy to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as improve mobility at the elbow and shoulder. During the immobilization phase, corrective exercises focus on shoulder stability, posture, and inefficiencies in the hip/core that contribute to overuse at the elbow.  As you progress, your PT will address throwing/pitching mechanics and direct your long toss and return-to-pitching program. Click here to schedule a physical therapy evaluation with us.


Disclaimer: The content contained in this section of the website is intended for informational purposes only.  It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to function as a substitute for a professional diagnosis or treatment from a licensed healthcare provider.

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