Generalized Injuries > Bursitis
Bursa are small fluid filled sacs found all over the body, most commonly located around joints. The reduce friction and provide cushion around ligaments, tendons, and bony prominences. A direct blow to these bursa may cause it to erupt or to develop further inflammation which causes the area to swell. Bursitis is most commonly found in the knee, elbow, and shoulder joint.

Mechanism of Injury: A direct blow, fall, or other trauma to the bursa can cause them to erupt or become inflamed. Overuse/excess friction can also irritate a bursa.
Contributing Factors: Trauma. Overuse/repetitive movement.
Signs/Symptoms: Pain and swelling in the affected area. Stiffness. Loss of range of motion. Swelling/redness in the area.
At Home Tests: None (symptom based)
At Home Treatment: Avoid irritating movements. Do not learn weight on painful bursa (especially elbow). Ice on/off for 20 mins. Light compression. Elevation.
When to Seek Help: If your inflamed bursa is very swollen, red, and/or causing systemic symptoms (fever, general unwell feeling), see a physician to rule out an infected bursa. If your symptoms are chronic, are mild/moderate in nature, and do not include the above red flags, see your physical therapist as soon as possible.
Treatment at Inspired Athletx: Initial treatment for bursitis at Inspired Athletx will focus on reducing pain and swelling through a combination or manual therapy, compression, and activity modification. As symptoms abate, your physical therapist will address contributing factors, including muscle stiffness, inefficient movement patterns or postures, and muscle weakness. Click here to schedule a physical therapy evaluation with us.
Disclaimer: The content contained in this section of the website is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to function as a substitute for a professional diagnosis or treatment from a licensed healthcare provider.
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