ACL Tear/Sprain

Knee > ACL Tear/Sprain

Your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a ligament inside your knee joint that stabilizes your knee. A full tear of this ligament causes instability in the knee, especially with cutting and changing direction. Young athletes will often have this ligament surgically repaired, but some athletes and active adults are able to return to activity with high quality rehab only!


Mechanism of Injury: Plant and twist while cutting. Hyperextension. High energy trauma (fall, car accident, assault, etc.)

Contributing Factors: Previous injury. Hip weakness. Poor landing/running mechanics. Female.

Signs/Symptoms: Pain in knee. “Pop” sensation or sound. Rapid swelling. Inability to weight bear. Decreased range of motion.

At Home Tests: None

At Home Treatment: Begin edema management immediately - elevation, ankle pumps, ice, NSAIDs PRN, compression. Crutches as needed for walking.

When to Seek Help: See a physical therapist as soon as possible after injury. They can determine if you need further assessment by an orthopedic surgeon AND will provide treatment to reduce pain and inflammation on day 1 - you won’t get this in an ortho quick care or PCP’s office!


Treatment at Inspired Athletx: Both conservative management and post-surgical care follow a similar structure, with certain weight bearing and range of motion restrictions included after surgery. The immediate goal is to reduce swelling, improve pain, and increase range of motion through a combination of manual therapy and active exercise. Progressive return to activity will include general strength training for the core and lower body, improving lower body mechanics, overall mobility, and balance. As the patient nears return to sport, the focus shifts toward sport specific activities, including running, jumping, and change of direction drills. Click here to schedule a physical therapy evaluation with us.

Disclaimer: The content contained in this section of the website is intended for informational purposes only.  It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to function as a substitute for a professional diagnosis or treatment from a licensed healthcare provider.

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