Knee > Patellofemoral Pain
Patellofemoral pain is a catchall term referring to any pain at the front of your knee, typically due to overuse. This can include quad/patellar/pes ansirine tendinitis, arthritic issues, or bursitis.

Mechanism of Injury: Typically due to overuse, but can also be caused by an acute trauma.
Contributing Factors: Poor squat/run/jump mechanics. Quad/hip/ITB tightness.
Signs/Symptoms: Pain at the front of the knee. Pain with squatting/climbing stairs/running. Restricted range of motion.
At Home Tests: None
At Home Treatment: Foam roll quads, calves, ITB, and adductors. Self patellar mobilizations. Patellar strap.
When to Seek Help: If your knee pain is preventing you from doing the things you enjoy, or lasts longer than 1 week, see your physical therapist.
Treatment at Inspired Athletx: In the case of patellofemoral pain, your knee is the victim, and another area is the culprit! Just treating your knee may help with symptoms in the short term, but will not create long term success. The first step to recovery at Inspired Athletx is identifying the cause of your knee pain - typically hip or ankle stiffness, hip weakness, poor lower body mechanics, poor training habits - or a combination of these factors! Treatment will include manual therapy and corrective exercises to address the cause and help to manage symptoms. Movement training to reduce quad dominance, as well as making adjustments to your training habits will provide you the tools to avoid recurrence of patellofemoral pain in the future. Click here to schedule a physical therapy evaluation with us.
Disclaimer: The content contained in this section of the website is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to function as a substitute for a professional diagnosis or treatment from a licensed healthcare provider.
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