Inspired Athletes > Joey L.

Joey Lombard
Joey helped create the Lineman Hole in the wall. An Inspired and Lineman Academy “OG”, Joey has the results to show for his years of work. In high school he was named to the All-North Suburban Conference- Basketball (2019), All-North Suburban Conference- Football (2019), All-Metro Football (2019), Football and Basketball Team Captain (2019), Minnesota All-Star Football Showcase (2019) and Blue Grey All-American Bowl (2019). His collegiate career has included 24 starts (with many more coming) on the offensive line.
- Hometown: Anoka, MN
- College Major/Future Plans: Major in Business Administration, intention to go to grad school for Master's in Business Administration
- Athletic History: Anoka H.S. (2015-2019), Minnesota Heat Basketball (2017-2019), Division 1 College Football (2019-present)
- Hobbies: Fishing, cooking, listening to music, hiking