2025 Ins and Outs: Health and Wellness Version
Jan 03, 2025A new year can bring a lot of energy and motivation for those who are looking to start fresh and set up some new goals and routines. A new year also emphasizes the “out with the old, and in with the new” mindset.
It’s 2025 - here is what we are throwing out and what we are putting energy and intention into.
2025 Outs:
Wasting Time
- No more doom scrolling. The average American spends 4 hours and 37 minutes on their phone per day (Specifically, Gen Z is spending 6 hours and 5 minutes). That is over 28 hours a week! Think of what you could be doing at that time. One supportive action that can bring awareness to your screen time is putting a screen limit on your phone to remind yourself of that limit.
Waking Up Late
- Waking up 30mins before your workout does not give your body enough time to wake up and prepare. Getting up earlier allows you enough time to eat breakfast and set the tone for your workout and henceforth your day!
Neglecting Recovery
- If you’re not building in a recovery day into your training regime, you might not be getting the most out of your time there. And when I say recovery day, I don’t mean rest day - add in some restorative movement (walking, yoga, mobility, stretching, etc.) to get the most out of your training. See our blog “Work Smarter: The Optimal Training Schedule”
Skipping Protein After a Workout
- Exercising creates little microtears in your muscle and the rebuilding of that tissue is what makes you stronger. Add in a protein source 20-30 minutes after your workout to optimize that process!
Diet Culture
- Simply stated - no more diets. The simple and most natural way to “diet” is to eat a variety of whole, nutrient dense foods. And quick fact check - this way of eating is not a diet AT ALL, it’s simply a healthy lifestyle!
Masking Mental Health
- Athletes are the “most likely” category of individuals to push aside their mental health. It’s more beneficial to talk to someone about any concerns you have vs. pushing it to the back of your mind where it continues to fester.
2025 Ins:
Hydrating With Electrolytes
- Our cells need sodium in order to function properly! Adding in electrolytes can supercharge your cells and get them ready for all the thinking, performance, and other tasks your day to day brings.
Getting 7+ hours of Sleep (Consistently!)
- I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as “catching up on sleep”. Your body recovers from stress the most while you sleep. It is not only important for athletic performance, it affects nearly every system and tissue in the body!
Fixing the Problem
- “Are you bringing the right solution to the problem?” A common question that we cue to our clients. Is what you are doing right now going to be the final solution to your problem? If not, what do you need to be doing instead?
Getting 7,000+ Steps in Each Day
- Humans were not created for the desk-job lifestyle where we are only taking 1,000-2,000 steps daily. We start to see health benefits at 7,200 steps per day. However many steps you are taking right now (assuming it's between 1,000-5,000), strive for more!
Rest and Slow Down
- We live in a busy world filled with the GO GO GO. Be intentional about taking time to slow down and rest. Maybe it’s staying in on a Friday night, or creating a new wind-down bedtime routine. Find something that works for you to create some quiet and peaceful space apart from the busyness of our lives.
Controlling what you can control
- “Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Our focus and energy needs to be on the things that we CAN control. Attitude, effort, focus – these are the things we can control.” - Tim Tebow.
The best way to set yourself up for success this new year is to pick 2-3 of your most important goals and start SLOW and be consistent. Be realistic on what you can do every day and give yourself grace with the process. Live Inspired!